Monday, December 9, 2013

新福菜館 (Shinpukku Saikan in Kyoto)



If you follow Ramen Adventures chronologically, then it might look like I am jumping all over the place. Well, for these next couple bowls, you can blame my job.

I had half a days work out in Tottori, a prefecture running along the Sea of Japan side of the country, and pretty far from anything the average traveler (or foodie) would be interested in. I wasn't interested in another Tottori ramen adventure, but rather the return home. As the flights were all booked, my company had me on the quickest train back to Tokyo. The quickest being a five hour, 800 kilometer journey. I had to break up the monotony of the bullet train somehow.

And with a transfer in Kyoto, I know the perfect place to eat!


Or the perfect two places to eat. These two ramen shops, Shinpukku Saikan and Dai Ichi Asahi, are both just a five minute walk from the station. Both are ranked as some of the best in Kyoto. Both command a line during rush hours.


Shinpukku was the richer of the two. The shoyu ramen is dark and tastes of well brewed soy sauce. Not a lot of salty impact, but plenty of hearty aftertaste. As simple as it gets, this is old school ramen at its best.


I wasn't hungry enough, but the fried rice looked positively fantastic. Someone let me know how it is!

Official Site Here


Kyoto, Kyoto-shi, HIgashishokojimukaihatacho 569
Closest station: Kyoto

Open 7:30-22:00
Closed Wednesdays

1 comment:

pofu said...

I loved the bowl at Dai Ichi, had it for breakfast both times I visited Kyoto (the shop opens super early).