Saturday, October 10, 2009

Yokohama Ya in Yokohama



Went to this random Yokohama style shop out in... Yokohama. This one is a big chain, with lots of shops around the Tokyo area. It's traditional Yokohama style, meaning a pungent, porky broth. And of course, 3 pieces of nori seaweed. This style has the tendency to be either really bad, or really good. This one was fine. Nothing much to say. I forgot to take a photo of the storefront. My bad.

Also, I bought a new lens for my camera, which doesn't take very good ramen photos. But it's got a super close up macro ability. So instead of the usual about noodles and soup, let's look at the things we can add to a bowl.


Zasai is pickled mustard plant. It's sour, salty, and spicy. It's kind of stinky. It goes good with beer. I'd put it in a similar class as menma.


Next up is the shops special spicy sauce. Made with 32 secret ingredients. Tasty.


Rajaon? Wikipedia, Google, and my Hong Kong friend can't help me here. Well, it's another spicy sauce.


Ninniku is garlic. Straight up. It makes your breath stink and your garlic delicious. Check out the Chinese characters for garlic! Don't see that too often.


Benishoga. Red ginger. Great in your Yoshinoya beef bowl. Great in your Hakata style ramen. Adds a tangy accent.


Rayu. Spicy oil. Yeah, Yokohama style ramen tastes good kicked up with spice. The oil here is sesame.

With all these options, it can be easy to mess up what is already a pungent bowl. But thats all part of the fun.

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