Thursday, February 20, 2020

Men-Eiji Higarashi Base in Sapporo


Sapporo ramen has always lived under a miso cloud. Both Japanese and foreigners make this assumption. But true ramen heads know that Sapporo has some top-level "other" ramen worthy of a journey. 

Men-Eiji has a few brands, including duck ramen and a jiro-style. It is their Higarashi Base shop, though, that has achieved legend status.

The most popular menu item is their 魚介豚骨醤油, gyokai tonkotsu shoyu. Thick pork broth mixed with dried fish, flavored with soy sauce. 

The jelly here is a special yuzu dashi. Yuzu from Kochi Prefecture mixed in a traditional Japanese dashi. It melts into the soup, changing the flavor as you slurp. 

Like most high-level shops in Japan these days, they have an in-depth printed description of the shop's kodawari, their finer points. Homemade noodles are made with local flour. Soup is boiled for ten hours. Chashu is made from local pork.

I should also not that they have miso ramen on the menu as well. Just like most miso ramen spots have shoyu, most shoyu spots have miso. It's a Hokkaido thing.

Official site here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like all of the Sapporo ramen reviews! But you still havent reviewed my favorite ramen place in Sapporo!