Monday, April 27, 2009

Bassanova in Shindaita


(from Shindaita station make a right out the exit. It's about a minute up on the other side of the street)

This place was recommended a while back by Keizo over at GoRamen. Since he was in town, it was a perfect excuse to check it out. We also met up with another English ramen blogger Nate from Waseda-Ramen. Rolling 3 deep, we went on the attack.


Basanova does the fusion thing, with a highly recommended green curry ramen and tom yum ramen on the menu. The green curry is Keizo's staple here.


I've had some "Thai" style ramen before, and it usually just tastes like reused curry broth poured over noodles. This often doesn't work because curry or tom yum soup is meant to be eaten differently, with rice balancing out the intense heat. Noodles don't really take the edge off of the spice as well. But this one was very well balanced. More of a tangy spice than a burning pain spice. Excellent.


I asked the chef what he recommends for a first time, and had the tondatsu wadasisoba. 1st item on the menu.


Very solid bowl, worthy of an extra serving of noodles. Luckily I didn't go for that option, because we weren't done with the ramen for the evening...



More Shop Info Here

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