Thursday, October 2, 2014

唐朝刀削麺 (Tang Dynatsy at Narita Airport)

唐朝刀削麺 成田空港店 


Airport ramen . . . what can be said? It is usually a pathetic attempt to lure you in with promises of locally famous tastes, produced by people who are out to make a quick buck. This may be harsh, but it is usually true.


We arrived to meet a friend at Narita, and suddenly had three hours of free time. Thank you San Francisco fog delay!

Terminal 1 at Narita International Airport has quite a nice shopping center. Japanese goods, ranging from cheap ninja souvenirs, to finely made Japanese canvas bags. And of course, food.

Memories of the Haneda Airport ramen made me cringe at the idea of eating here. But, as anything spicy does, these noodles looked really good.


Shock! This was actually an excellent bowl. The マーラー was spicy and numbing and fully satisfying. Of course, it is no where on the level of somewhere like Lashohan or Kikanbo, but this one worked. The noodles are the hand cut style, More doughy than your typical Japanese ramen noodles.


I forgot to take a shot of the exterior, so here is one of my buddy's dad slurping like a pro!


Official Site Here

Narita Terminal 1 4F
Closest station: The airport
Open 8:30-21:00


Steve D. said...

..and you left out the portion that passengers on international flights from Narita are conducive to anything that will deplete their pocketful of Japanese Yen. !=))
I've been at scores of airports throughout the USA, and my lesson is: Please have sufficient food & beverage before you pass through security. Purveyors at USA airports charge hostage pricing for nearly everything. {sigh - exhale}

Ramen Adventures said...

Yeah, the international terminal at Narita is a joke. Haneda, on the other hand, is AMAZING!