Monday, November 24, 2008

Ramen in Hong Kong

Spent a weekend in Hong Kong. There are many things in this city inspired by Japanese. Many restaurants especially. Teppanyaki seemed very popular, which is funny because places like Benihanas (where dinner is the show) aren't big in Japan. Noodles are of course common in China and Hong Kong, but I happened to find some ramen shops as well.

I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat here, but it was an actual ramen shop with a line.

The menu had a selection of all styles of ramen.

Ajisen ramen was at the airport. It actually looked pretty good, but I wasn't hungry.

The ramen had little strange additions, like this one which says it has beans in it.



Anonymous said...

That Yokozuma shop was actually there more than 20 years!! It's one of the best and earliest ramen shop in Hong Kong, too bad you weren't hungry when you walked by. But next time you know where to find good ramen when you are in HK! :)


Ramen Adventures said...

Thanks Gab!